Our Mission

The mission of Ancient Paths Christian & Classical Academy is to partner with families in the shepherding and discipling of their children by providing a distinctly Christ-centered and Classical context to educate, equip and empower their children to be wise, eloquent, and virtuous young men and women.

Our Vision

Educate in Excellence

Our students will be rigorously educated in the seven liberal arts, the rich heritage of Western civilization, and the eternal truths of God’s Word in order to develop the knowledge and discipline necessary to be excellent young men and young women who do all things to honor and glorify God.
(Colossians 3:23)

Equip to Engage

Our students will be equipped to impact the world with godly wisdom that discerns truth from wickedness, beauty from ugliness and virtue from ignorance.  Our students will be trained to courageously use their gifts and wisdom to engage a broken world with the hope of Jesus Christ. 
(Matthew 28:18-20)

Empower to Endure

Our students will be mature followers of Christ whose minds and hearts will be cultivated to be confident in who God is, the truth of His Word, and the calling of His mission so that they can endure the winds of change and deceit of the fallen world and walk boldly in the ancient paths of God’s truth.
(Proverbs 22:6, Jeremiah 6:16)

Our Values

We are distinctively and genuinely Christian.

Faith is taken seriously and joyfully throughout all aspects of the education and formation of our students. All families at Ancient Paths ascribe to faith in Jesus Christ and display a consistent desire to worship and grow in the Lord by being active members in a healthy, local Christian church and commit to partnering in their child’s education.  In addition, every faculty person and board member ascribes to personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and are active in healthy, local Christian churches.

Therefore, our faith should be lived out actively in the school community, we should seek joy in our walks with Christ, and our lives should be marked by a striving for personal holiness and God-honoring relationships. We believe the Bible is the primary source of truth and instruction in all matters of faith and life. Our classical and Christian school applies the classical method to provide a wholly-integrated Biblical worldview, where elements of faith are routinely taught and interwoven throughout each subject. At Ancient Paths Academy, issues of faith and practice are not contained to weekly chapel or a single Bible or religion class but instead provide the foundation for all instruction.

We are a Classical school.

Rather than being tossed about by ever-changing educational fads, we strive to learn from proven educational methods passed down to us from the history of Western civilization. Classical education pursues a mastery of the seven liberal arts. These arts are tools for learning made up of two primary branches, the language arts, known as the Trivium, and the mathematical arts, known as the Quadrivium. The language arts are grammar, logic, and rhetoric. The mathematical arts are arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and harmonia. Classical education also implements time-tested pedagogical methods which are attuned to the natural stages of development as a child matures into adulthood.  

We partner with parents.

Many schools assert that education is merely about a student’s academic development. However, true education encompasses both academic development and the formation of young men and young women. While so many schools neglect the role of parent, we exist as delegates of parents. Our teachers and administrators function in loco parentis, which means that we act in the place of parents during school hours. Ancient Paths Academy serves as a trusted caretaker, partnering with parents in raising children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. The goal is to cultivate a deep and lasting love for Christ and the people He has placed in their lives and to see our students’ depth of conviction grow in the timeless truths of God’s Word — all while learning about the amazing creation of our great God.

We value community.

One of the many beautiful results of a distinctive and genuine Christian education is the community of faithful believers, made up of faculty, students, and families that springs to life. We earnestly share life together: praying for one another, discipling students in the way of Christ, enjoying meals together, helping each other with school projects and special needs, spurring one another on toward greater faith, serving alongside each other in furtherance of our common mission and vision for our school, cheering our sons and daughters on in athletic competition, and in immeasurably more ways. Parents and faculty at Ancient Paths hold a shared purpose and as a result, participate in genuine community.

We are independent.

We value our institutional independence, and while we are a ministry of and for the local church, we firmly believe that we are to stand distinct from all state and federal influence, funding and systems.  We are a Non-Chartered, Non-Public school that has no ties with our state’s educational system and we receive zero state or federal funding.  This independence grants us the ability to be distinctly and faithfully Christian, submitting to God’s Word in all things.  This independence allows us to free ourselves from the temptation to be culturally relevant or swayed in matters of practice.  


School Information

We will not only offer the best education in Columbus, but will also aim to be the most affordable in order that all who desire a deeply Christian and distinctly Classical education for their children can afford to do so. To that end, tuition for Ancient Paths will be $3,000 per year for each student kindergarten through sixth grade. Our pre-kindergarten tuition is $2,000 per year.

Ancient Paths Academy is a full-member school in the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS).

Student Assessment
As the goal of Ancient Paths Academy is mastery of content and maturity of faith and life, all students will be assessed upon admission and placed at the appropriate grade level. This is done to ensure that each student is positioned to learn, grow, and develop with excellence throughout the entirety of the educational career.

Pre-Kindergarten Classroom
Ancient Paths Pre-Kindergarten classroom is designed to introduce children to the culture of our school and begin training them in distinctly Christian and classical content, so that they may flourish in a typical classroom environment. We will begin discipleship in the classroom through the study of God’s word and Christian virtues. The pre-kindergarten classroom will incorporate necessary fine and gross motor skill training. Instruction will also emphasize the development of necessary phonemic awareness and quantitative reasoning. Our pre-Kindergarten class meets Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday starting in the 2024-2025 school year.